Sunday 24 May 2009

Week at Burghley?

On Sunday, there were a few thousand women walking/jogging round the deer park at Burghley House, Stamford. This was in aid of Race for Life, Cancer Research UK's breast cancer fund raising event.

Car entry was via the Bottle Gates at the far end of the park. Then, after parking up, you walked to the arena set up as a gathering point. Heart fm were somehow involved, and they had a brekkie DJ trying to get excitement going. Any such luck was dissolved quickly at the arrival of 'The Nivea Boys'. Four fitness freaks in tshirts with 'Nivea' on them prancing around wit pom-poms... Very Eurovision... Sadly laughable too.

Eventually, the girls set off. Havana and Rachel were running 5km, along with a few others. 10km runs and 5km walks were also available. Havana and Rachel did the 5km in 45 mins official timing, but who knows really how long they had to wait for their chance to cross the start line.

Post prandial picnic was partaken, followed by ambling round Burghley's Sculpture garden, and 'Garden of Delights', AKA garden with lots of fountains and sparkly bits. Kids got SOAKED!!!!

Out the front of the house, was setup a load of tents and Marquees ready for this weekends country game fair. Before then, they were also hosting BBC Antiques Roadshow on Thursday. The BBC hadn't set themselvesup yet..

Thursday came, and Mum and I head back to Burghley for aforementioned Antiques Roadshow.

The venue was the Rose Garden, a usually private area on one side of the House. Nice long queues to get seen. That was to get to the front reception area, then split off into relevant sections. Then another shorter queue.

2 rainshowers later, during which we got a free poncho, we got to the front. We weren't presenting items worthy of recording.. but did see a few segments being shot. In official literature handed out at the start of the queue, it was requested that we not ask the experts for autographs... Although I did see one guy brandish a signed Antiques Roadshow bag with a Fiona Bruce tag on it...

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