Thursday 5 November 2009

One year after the start of things

Today marks the first anniversary of the day my treatment should have started.

I should have started ABVD Chemotherapy at Grantham a year ago today. Mum and I went for the arranged appointment at Grantham Hospital, with the intention to get my first dose of chemo in outpatients. Plans changed when the specialist informed us that the results from my bone marrow biopsy hadn't come back yet, and as yet, they did not know exactly which version of lymphoma I had. It could have been a rare version of Hodgkins that looked like Non-hodgkins, or vice versa. If I started the treatment for one, and it was finally diagnosed the other, it could have proved disastrous.

It was decided that treatment be delayed for I think 2 weeks. It was also decided that from then on, I be signed off work.

As I was walking out the Outpatients door, I saw a positive sight. A few weeks earlier, I had been in for a blood test, and an old gentleman was brought in on a wheelchair. I instantly recognised it as Richard Todd, of Dam Busters fame. I clammed up instantly, not sure if I should say hello, or let him be.. He didn't look too great, and the use of the wheelchair didn't improve things. This time, as I was walking out of the hospital, he was walking in.

Yesterday was my first proper day back. I'm partly retraining, partly covering holidays. Since I left, the beloved company has introduced a new computer system which automates some things, but throws up more processes elsewhere. I guess in time it will fall into place. Yesterday I messed up the cash-up twice in ways that balanced out later. I had forgotten to include either notes or a bag of coins in the final tally.

Lots of customers came in to pay their paper bills etc, and their compliments and messages of 'missed you' were appreciated.

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